Search Instructions

Quick Overview: Basically just enter the word(s) that identify the scripture verses you are looking for. If desired, you can control searching by including operators. Here are some examples:
  • Isaac Jacob
    Find verses that contain at least one of the two words: Isaac OR Jacob. The first word listed has a higher priority.
  • +Isaac +Jacob
    Find verses that have both words: Isaac AND Jacob.
  • +Judas -Iscariot
    Find verses that have one word but not the other: Judas NOT Iscariot.
  • +Jacob Israel
    Find verses that contain the word "Jacob" and and give the verse a higher priority if "Israel" is also found.
  • +Jesus +(Savior Lord)
    Find listings that contain the words "Jesus" and with either "Savior" or "Lord"
  • rede*
    Find listings that contain any words such as redeem, redeemer, redemption
  • "grace of God"
    Find listings that contain the exact phrase "grace of God".
Search words are not case-sensitive.